Team: Stephanie Small (lead), Heather Lobua, Debra Nathanson, Candy Kremin
Goals: Investigate house to see if there is paranormal activity, heal residents and remove any attachments. Ground and clear house, property and residents.
7PM Arrive and set up equipment
7:10 Blessings, Cleansings, Protections, Sage
7:15 Get baseline Readings
7:30 EVP sessions
8:30 healings (healers, please respond here if you want to do some healings) (or readings)
9:30 House cleansing
10:00 protections
Next day: Examine Evidence
Bring: Set of warm clothes, blankets (if desired), snacks (for you), drink (for you, water too), flashlight (optional), any ghost hunting devices or metaphysical tools you want to bring.
Our Investigation of the Limestone house which is located in Vallejo, CA began 1/11/2019. The investigation took place from 7pm-11pm.
Equipment: Recorders, Cassette Analog recorder, 2 camera phones (camera and video used), 1 ghostbox with voice recognition software
We picked up EVPs (sighs and growling, moaning) and the ghost box recognized a variety of words and names with the voice recognition software. We were continually directed up to the second story. It was indicated that we should check the sealed attic but that could not be completed at the time. Hot spots included the stairwell, M's room, the mirrored corner of the main bedroom, the garage (and nearby bathroom which had phantom water sounds). Sightings of apparitions included the living room by the brick fireplace which got high electromagnetic readings.
It was determined some activity was due to sensitives in the family attracting some energy. Grounding and clearings were done. The house was saged. Individuals received healings. A Clearing and healing was conducted.
Heather Lobua left unicorn charms throughout the house.

Thank you so much for this group experience. the family was lovely to work with, so open and inviting and communicative, which makes me think that they are this way with All various energies. As this house/ Family definitely was a magnet of sorts to the different realms, it attracted alot of mixed energy. i noticed when we opened a portal of light- many many hitchhikers appeared to take a ride- it was a beautiful thing. still some lingering questions about the attic., but it doesnt feel as creepy after the clearing. I would suggest the family continue to work on protection and not being so inviting to the various energies. I think we all gave them a great foundation to be able to continue to do their own clearings on a regular basis. its also my hopes that the teen girl and mother engage in meditation practices. . in fact, the whole family can play with this together. Thank you again, id love to hear the feedback from the family on how they are doing.