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Familiars - Animals Pets Nature Medical Vet Pagan Magick: is a Facebook group with some free metaphysical training. This group is for anyone wanting to learn about nature, animals, pets and familiars. This group is open to spiritual information and covers a variety of topics:


- securing/releasing familiars

- Animal information, Pet care and feeding

- animal/totem magic/spirit guides

- veterinary information

- medical information for human animals

- animal readings and healings

- animal deities and religions

- pet photos and pet art

- nature issues/politics

- parks

- trees and plant info, aromatherapy and herbalism


Familiars and Pet Blessings:

Animal Symbolism:

Medical and Veterinary Information:


Notes on Familiars:

Grounding yourself is key.

Practice good psychic hygiene.

You can ground your familiars.

You can strengthen the connection by looking at the relationship cord between you and your familiar. You can fill it with gold light. You can put gold suns of neutral energy into that relationship cord. You can also ground that relationship cord.


I suggest getting a book on Familiars to begin learning the process. Take the time to select a good book that resonates with your needs. Many books are even specific to your particular breed of familiar (Such as cats). In general, you can begin by bonding with your animal. Treat it well with good care. Allow it to visit you and have your lovey time. You can gaze into your pets eyes' if they consent (it is suggested to do so for at least 40 seconds at a time).


Here are some books I have read and enjoyed:

Animal Magick: The Art of Recognizing and Working with Familiars

Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small


If you have astral familiars some of them may in fact be beings like unicorns, dragons or even more. There are additional resources here.

For some specific beings and their otherkin there are specific groups:


🦄 Unicorn Alliance - Unicorns Pegacorns Alicorns Kirin Quilin Otherkin 🦄:


Revealing Hidden Realms - Dragons Reptiles Dragonkin Draco Magick Otherkin:


Mermaid Merman Siren Aquan Water Elemental Magick Otherkin:


Chimera Kin - Felshae Chimera Sphinx Griffon Gryphon Cat Bird Otherkin:


And finally, some people grow very attached to house plants and garden plants. Here is a group on gardening. I have heard of people who consider some house plants to be very similar to familiars or friends. Unicorn Kitchen Witches - Wiccan Pagan Recipes Magick Spices Cooking Baking

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