Begin by Grounding Yourself. Here is a healing and grounding ritual:
Over the area, and beyond where the wildfires are, imagine the following shape which looks like two pyramids base to base so one points up and other points down. The four corners should extend over the fire's border or you can elect to use the town, state, country or entire world in your visualization. Imagine a rose in the center. Next, send energy from the rose deep into the earth. Send this energy deep into the earth. Next, send golden colored "suns" of neutral gold energy into the rose and allow the energy of the rose to fill up completely. You can have as many "suns" as you want. If you are feeling stressed or want extra amusement energy, you can imagine grabbing a handful of sparkling glitter and tossing it onto the rose and allowing it to go where it needs to go.

Good Unicorns and dragons of all places
We invite you to our sacred spaces
Thank you, Divine, for agreeing to manifest
the resolution which is the best:
Healing the land and stopping the fire,
bringing great health and dispelling ire.
Make the fires quelled and calm
Sacred Earth kept preserved and strong
Around the beings a shield is erected
The homes of the people all protected
Animals and plants kept
The strength of will and body imbued
with endurance and energy renewed
to those who protect the land,
our Firefighters and emergency responders
and wish to receive the blessings
And to those who wish protection
from the vapors and heat
shall receive it and the lungs
of all people will endure in quality health
Good Stones to have while using this spell: Obsidian, Petrified Wood, Quartz, Lava stone, any stone that calls to you, stones from the area
More Resources
More information on grounding:
Protection Crystals, Herbs etc: